Meditation Made Easy

Yoga Nidra offers all the benefits of meditation in an accessible way because it's practised lying down and harnesses something the body and mind already knows how to do very well…SLEEP!

I AM Yoga Nidra Tools.

This ancient practice combines a mixture of breath, body and awareness techniques to effortlessly disengage the mind by transporting you into the space between waking and sleeping, known in modern psychology as the hypnagogic state.

In this integrated space lots of magic happens!.

Inner Alchemy

Yoga Nidra helps to gain perspective on life, help manage emotions and also develop a sense of spiritual maturity and awareness.

As you drop down into slower brainwave states the body is flooded with happy hormones. Low alpha/high theta is when REM or dream sleep occurs. It is associated with super learning and creativity and synchronisation of the left and right side of the brain.

Psychologically, a profound shift of energetic resistances at all levels can occur. Incomplete experiences held in the body/mind complex may be energetically resolved and released to return to a natural state of completion, emotional integration and physical balance.

In this space, the individual is able to release the identification with their sense of self - the ego-mind, with all its memories, anticipations and labels to rest beyond the mind and body and become one with cosmic bliss consciousness.

Benefits of Yoga Nidra

“Yoga Nidra gives us the perspective to see things more clearly and then help us plant positive seeds of change.”


Sankalpa is a Sanskrit word which can be translated as resolve or determination and takes the form of a short mental statement. It is a powerful method of reshaping your personality and in helping you achieve your life goals..

Manifest your true potential.

Most of us are just getting through life day to day without any sense of direction or awareness of self. We make decisions and react to people and life events without understanding or questioning why we respond in such a way. 

When you try and change something about yourself and only do this via the intellect you will find that it is quite difficult as the message is conflicting with a million other thoughts in the conscious mind.

When the mind enters the hypnagogic state it becomes pliable and receptive to change. This is when powerful messages can be delivered straight into the subconscious mind and create a powerful shift in behaviour and ultimately strengthen the structure of the mind.

Yoga Nidra for everyone.

Yoga Nidra is s a complete release of all doing and effort suitable for almost everyone irrespective of physical ability, age or socioeconomic background. Yoga Nidra is most effective when led by a trained facilitator or audio recording. It’s usually practised lying down covered by blankets and supported by cushions to allow the body and the mind to completely relax.

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